Sunday, November 29, 2009

Football is A Little Like Marriage

Okay, I'll be the first to admit its rather unusual for a married gal to like football and know quite a bit about it. For me, I've always played football because of my outdoorsy brother (please see earlier post about the Crocodile Hunter not being dead).

Why, when I was still quite young, I had to throw every afternoon to my brother (who was a talented wide receiver), and if I didn't, there would be "heck to pay." For years I hated spending my afternoons throwing to him, but it served me well when I later joined a sorority, and everyone was astonished by my throwing arm at flag football games.

...Not to mention the numerous times he chased me in my childhood, but I went on to become a good runner and won the mile run at college, too.

All this to set up my knowledge of the game, you see, and how in my later life I have come to realize football and marriage are quite similar.
For example, both football and marriage are plenty full of drama, penalties, dirty laundry, bad and good sportsmanship, bonding, tackles, long passes, short sweeps, drills, second teams, kicking, punting, blocks, up and down years and "touchdowns!"
Not only that, marriage and football have deep loyalty in common. I mean, watch the passion and loyalty in college and NFL football (well okay, maybe sometimes there is less of the passion in marriage).

But, hey, once you've chosen a team to follow, don't you put your passion and focus on that team whenever they play? If you're doubting what I am saying, watch a Gator game or Noles game!
And, sometimes, doesn't it feel like football is a little like marriage? Time out!

1 comment:

Jason Burt said...

HA. I enjoyed this. I know nothing of marriage, but you sure did paint the picture well!