Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Coming Soon! Don't Miss Out!

Hi, there, and welcome to our new blog, currently under massive construction!  There are 3 of us gals collaborating on these events, and we will strive to bring you some very interesting thoughts and materials....want to know all about hedgehogs, parrots, and other kinds of creatures?  Check back here soon, and we'll be posting pics and videos of our newest little friends.
Interested in cooking without having to read from a cookbook?  No problem, we'll have a section about "free cooking" (cooking without books).
Use coupons?  Hey, we've got an expert coupon saver and clipper. She'll be showing you the latest with links to tie in.
Wanting to lose a few pounds without being the "Biggest Loser?"  Check back in soon, and we'll guide you through our journey to lose those dreaded few pounds, complete with tips on nutrition and exercise.
...And there's more, like college football and recruiting from a woman's point of view, favorite restaurants, critiques of the show Southpark, etc...

So join us in our fun and check back often! You'll be glad you did!
And by the way, if you have any ideas for a unique blog name with a Tallahassee flair to it, we would love to hear your ideas!

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